Managing federation and external access to Lync Server 2013 2013年10月7日 - For details about deploying Edge Servers, see Deploying external user access in Lync Server 2013 in the Deployment documentation.
Lync Server 2013: Federation and external access cmdlets 2012年6月26日 - The cmdlets available for managing federation and external access in Lync Server 2013 let you determine who your users can (and cannot) ...
Lync Server 2013: Configuring SIP federation, XMPP ... 2013年10月7日 - Federation, public instant messaging connectivity and Extensible ... Configuring support for external user access in Lync Server 2013.
Lync Server 2013: Enable or disable federation and public ... 2013年6月24日 - For details about controlling access by federated domains, see Configure support for allowed external domains in Lync Server 2013. Send an ...
Mastering Microsoft UC: Lync Online Federation Issues with Lync 2013 Post-Migration As I said up front, ultimately the solution was pretty straight forward and easy to implement. Most organizations probably won't even run into this situation because they have configured the Lync Online Hosting Provider to include Federation for all Lync
Lync Server 2013: Setting up Lync federation Note: If you intend to setup any combination of XMPP federation, Lync Federation, or public instant messaging connectivity, you can deploy them concurrently or one at a time. If you configure the options through the Topology Builder and the Lync Server ..
Lync Server 2013 one-way federation with Lync Online – Rune's blog about things I see and UC After completing a Lync Server 2013 install I got some feedback that federation with Office 365/Lync Online users wasn't working properly. On the other hand, federation with other Lync-enabled organisations was ok. Some of the symptoms, that I also verifi
Difference between Open and Closed Federation in Lync 2010/2013 | UC Lobby One of the features that Lync has and customers like is the ability to federate with another company. This post will focus only on Lync to Lync or Lync to OCS federation. Usually, Lync administrators don't know if they have an open or closed federation –
Lync Server 2013: Enable or disable discovery of federation ... 2013年2月23日 - For details about enabling federation, see Enable or disable remote user access in Lync Server 2013 in the Deployment documentation or the ...
Difference between Open and Closed Federation in Lync ... 2013年9月30日 - This post will focus only on Lync to Lync or Lync to OCS federation. ... Difference between Open and Closed Federation in Lync 2010/2013.